Compulsory education starts from age 5. Your child is then obliged to attend primary school every day. For some young pupils, a whole school week can prove to be too demanding. In such cases, the school is authorised to allow parents to keep their child home for 5 hours a week until they turn 6. No special permission is required, but the school must be notified.
Calling in sick
Is your child ill, or is there another compelling reason why he or she cannot come to school? Please notify us by telephone or by using the digiDuif app. We routinely follow up on online notifications with a telephone call. In case of pupils frequently arriving late without explanation or regularly calling in sick, the school is obliged to notify the School Attendance Authority.
Arriving late
Students arriving late must quietly make their way into the classroom without causing too much disturbance. As required by the School Attendance Authority, we dutifully register all late arrivals by name and frequency. Parents of pupils coming in late on two or more occasions are monthly notified in writing. Late records are also shared with the School Attendance Authority, who may decide to call in parents or issue sanctions.
School Attendance Authority
More information on compulsory education and school attendance can be found here.